Plato – Quote of the Day for September 11, 2024

Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.”

Thoughts on Today's Quote

Isn’t it wild how humans are basically this fascinating cocktail of desire, emotion, and knowledge? Plato nailed it with that quote—he really boiled down our whole existence to three fundamental ingredients, like some ancient chef of human nature. It’s like we’re walking around with a brain that’s part philosopher, part hormonal teenager, and part over-caffeinated librarian.

First, desire. Ah, the thing that gets us out of bed, even if it’s just for coffee. Desire is that little spark that whispers, “Hey, wouldn’t it be nice to have that?”—whether that is a dream job, a shiny car, or the last slice of pizza in the fridge. It’s primal. Cavemen wanted food and warmth, we want Wi-Fi and avocado toast. Same energy.

Then there’s emotion. Oh boy, this one’s the wild card. If desire is the engine, emotion is the rollercoaster ride. We’re not robots (yet), so we feel things deeply—love, joy, fear, envy… sometimes all in the same hour! Ever cried over a cute puppy video? Yep, emotion at work. It can be unpredictable and, let’s face it, often makes us do things that don’t exactly align with what we know is the right thing to do. Like texting your ex at 2 AM. You know better, but emotion’s like, “Nah, it’ll be fine.”

And finally, knowledge—our cerebral compass. The thing that’s supposed to steer us away from chaos, but often takes a back seat to emotion and desire. It’s the cool-headed part of us that says, “Actually, maybe don’t buy that jet ski on a whim.” Knowledge is great, but it’s also easily overridden when desire and emotion gang up on it. That’s why we end up knowing things like “Exercise is good” but somehow still binge-watch Netflix instead of hitting the gym.

So yeah, Plato was onto something. We’re all just juggling these three forces every day, trying to balance being logical, emotional, and occasionally hungry for pizza. It’s the eternal struggle of the human experience.

The Challenge

Next time you have to make a decision—whether it’s something big like switching jobs, or small like deciding whether to have dessert—pause for a moment. Ask yourself:

  1. What do I desire in this situation?
  2. What emotion am I feeling right now?
  3. What knowledge do I have that should guide me?

Then, make your decision while trying to balance all three.

The challenge is not to let any one source (desire, emotion, or knowledge) completely dominate. Can you make a choice that respects all three? You might be surprised at how differently you approach even the simplest decisions when you’re consciously weighing these forces. Plus, it’s a great exercise in self-awareness!

Today's Quote Illustrated

A motivational quotation and illustration from Plato dated September 11, 2024