Ella Fitzgerald – Quote of the Day for September 28, 2024

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”
— Ella Fitzgerald

Insights on Today's Quote

It’s easy to dismiss these kinds of sentiments as cheesy or overly optimistic—like something you’d see on a poster of a sunset with a lone person standing on a cliff, staring dramatically into the horizon. But think about it for a second: how many people actually stop chasing what they really want, not because they don’t love it, but because it’s hard? It’s like ordering a salad at a buffet because it’s easier to pile on the greens than wrestle with the fried chicken station. We choose the path of least resistance, not the one that makes our soul do a little dance.

And here’s the kicker: that line about love and inspiration? It’s not just poetic fluff. It’s the real deal. When you’re doing something you love, the tough moments don’t feel like roadblocks—they’re more like speed bumps. Sure, they rattle your car, but they don’t make you turn around and head home. And inspiration? That’s the magic juice. It’s like that second cup of coffee that turns “I don’t want to get out of bed” into “I can totally conquer this day.”

The best part of the quote, though, is that quiet confidence at the end—”I don’t think you can go wrong.” It’s like the universe saying, “Look, as long as you’re leading with love and driven by inspiration, even if you do mess up, it’s not a failure.” Maybe you’ll take a detour, but you’re still on the right track. Like going to IKEA for a spatula and coming out with a new bookshelf you didn’t know you needed—still a win, right?

So, yeah, follow that love and inspiration. It might not lead you down the simplest path, but hey, who wants a straight line when you can have an adventure?

Step Up to the Challenge

The “Love & Inspiration” Sprint:

  1. Pick a passion project: Think of something you’ve always wanted to do but have been putting off—maybe it’s writing a short story, starting that podcast, learning to bake something other than cookies, or even picking up a new skill like coding or painting. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you genuinely love or feel inspired by. The kind of thing that gives you a little spark inside.

  2. Commit to 7 Days of Action: For the next 7 days, dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to that project. But here’s the twist: you’re not allowed to focus on “doing it perfectly.” You’re only allowed to focus on doing it because you love it. Whether it’s a hot mess or a masterpiece, the goal is to stay committed purely for the joy of it.

  3. Reflect and Adjust: At the end of each day, jot down what you did, how you felt, and what surprised you. Did doing something you’re passionate about make the challenges feel smaller? Did inspiration show up when you weren’t looking? At the end of the week, look back and see how your approach changed from day one to day seven.

This challenge isn’t about achieving perfection or a finished product. It’s about leaning into that “love and inspiration” and seeing where it takes you—because that’s where the magic (and sometimes, the unexpected solutions) happen.

Today's Quote Visualized

A motivational quotation and illustration from Ella Fitzgerald dated September 28, 2024