Craig Foster – Quote of the Day for October 9, 2024

A lot of people say an octopus is like an alien. But the strange thing is, as you get closer to them, you realize that we’re very similar in a lot of ways.”
— Craig Foster

Insights on Today's Quote

Isn’t it wild that the more we learn about octopuses, the more we realize how…familiar they are? I mean, sure, they’ve got eight arms, three hearts, and can squirt ink like a cartoon villain—pretty “alien” on the surface. But then you watch them solve puzzles, sneak out of aquariums like undersea escape artists, and show personalities—yes, personalities! You start to think, “Wait, are we talking about some tentacled space visitor or just a distant cousin who’s into deep-sea diving?”

Think about it: octopuses are masters of camouflage. They blend into their surroundings like that one friend who can adapt to any group or vibe, no questions asked. They’re incredibly intelligent too, like scary smart. Watching an octopus figure something out feels like seeing a toddler crack open a Rubik’s Cube. And that’s the thing—they’re curious, adaptive, and kind of relatable in that “I’m-going-to-do-my-own-weird-thing” way. Almost like the introvert of the animal kingdom.

Maybe what freaks us out about octopuses is how they defy what we think animals should be. It’s like we’re looking at this oddball and going, “Wait, am I seeing a bit of myself here?” Kind of unnerving but also comforting, like when you realize even the weirdest people (or creatures) share that universal spark of life. So yeah, octopuses might look like aliens, but once you really pay attention, you get the sense that maybe they’re just Earthlings with a different style—a way cooler, more flexible style.

Step Up to the Challenge

Octopus Problem-Solving Challenge

Find a tricky puzzle, brain teaser, or even an escape room-style challenge that you’ve never tried before. The goal is to approach it with the mindset of an octopus—think outside the box, be adaptable, and don’t rely on just brute force. If an octopus can figure out how to open a jar or sneak through tiny spaces, you can crack this puzzle by thinking creatively. Bonus points if you imagine you’ve got eight arms and can multitask like an undersea genius!

After you solve it, reflect on what strategies you used that mimicked an octopus’s flexible thinking.

Today's Quote Visualized

A motivational quotation and illustration from Craig Foster dated October 9, 2024