75 Memorable Donald Trump Quotes: Insightful, Entertaining, and Unforgettable

Donald Trump is a name that echoes across the globe, not just for his political career but for his distinctive way of speaking. Love him or hate him, his words have made waves in the media. From sharp-witted comebacks to controversial remarks, Trump’s quotes have been a source of endless fascination and debate. Below, we’ll delve into 75 memorable Donald Trump quotes, accompanied by brief explanations to provide context and understanding.

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Iconic and Memorable Trump Quotes

1. “You’re fired!” This catchphrase from Trump’s time on The Apprentice became synonymous with his no-nonsense, decisive persona. It reflects his straightforward approach to leadership and business.

2. “Make America Great Again.” Trump’s campaign slogan during the 2016 presidential race emphasized a return to what he saw as the country’s golden age. It was simple, effective, and became a rallying cry for his supporters.

3. “I’m really rich.” Trump has never been shy about his wealth. This statement was made during his presidential campaign to underscore his success and independence from traditional political funding.

4. “We will build a great wall, and Mexico will pay for it.” One of the most controversial promises of Trump’s campaign, this quote captured his stance on immigration and border security. It showcased his bold, often provocative style.

5. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose voters.” Trump’s assertion of loyalty from his supporters was seen as an exaggeration, but it highlighted the strength of his base and his unfiltered communication style.

Trump on Success and Business

6. “Sometimes by losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war.” This quote shows Trump’s resilience. In business, he often faced setbacks but found new paths to success, a theme he carried into his political career.

7. “What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.” A lesson in adaptability, Trump emphasizes the importance of resilience and the ability to bounce back from challenges.

8. “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Trump’s mantra for success is all about ambition. He encourages aiming high and pushing boundaries, a mindset that he applies across his ventures.

9. “It’s always good to be underestimated.” Trump has thrived on defying expectations. Whether in business or politics, he often leveraged low expectations to surprise and succeed.

10. “I don’t like losers.” This blunt statement is quintessential Trump. It reflects his competitive nature and preference for success over failure.

Quotes on Leadership and Politics

11. “Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make.” Trump’s take on decision-making highlights the value of restraint, knowing when to hold back rather than overcommitting.

12. “Leadership is not just about having energy, it’s about having ideas.” Trump emphasizes that leadership requires vision, not just action, a philosophy that guided his policies.

13. “I have a great relationship with the Blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the Blacks.” A quote that sparked controversy, showing how Trump’s attempts at outreach often led to mixed reactions.

14. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Bold and grandiose, this statement reflects Trump’s confidence in his ability to revitalize the American job market.

15. “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.” Trump’s 2016 campaign message emphasized his belief in being an outsider who could tackle systemic problems.

Funny and Outlandish Trump Quotes

16. “I know words. I have the best words.” This quote became a meme, capturing Trump’s confident, yet sometimes perplexing, communication style.

17. “I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.” A humorous jab that combines his observational humor with his knack for making blanket statements.

18. “I’m the least racist person you have ever interviewed, that I can tell you.” Trump often used this phrase to deflect accusations of racism, emphasizing his self-assuredness.

19. “I’m a very stable genius.” A phrase that quickly went viral, illustrating Trump’s self-confidence and ability to stir reactions.

20. “I think if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist.” Trump’s take on political correctness; he often criticized what he saw as overly sensitive societal norms.

Trump on Media and Communication

21. “Fake news.” Perhaps one of Trump’s most iconic phrases, this term became his go-to criticism for media outlets he viewed as misleading or biased.

22. “The press is out of control. Dishonest. Dishonest.” Trump’s contentious relationship with the media is well-documented, and this quote encapsulates his frustration with press coverage.

23. “I have a running war with the media.” He frequently portrayed himself as a warrior against what he considered biased journalism.

24. “Without the media, Trump would have nothing.” This remark from critics is turned around by Trump who believes that despite adversarial coverage, he has harnessed the media for attention and influence.

25. “Twitter is a wonderful thing for me.” Trump’s use of social media, particularly Twitter, became a hallmark of his presidency, allowing him to bypass traditional media channels.

Trump on International Affairs

26. “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission.” A famous nickname Trump gave to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, reflecting his characteristic blend of humor and aggression in diplomacy.

27. “I fell in love with him.” Referring to Kim Jong-un, Trump’s comment about their letters stirred debates about his unconventional diplomatic style.

28. “We should be thanking China for what they’ve done.” A rare positive comment from Trump about China, reflecting his complex stance on international trade relations.

29. “The European Union is a foe.” Trump’s blunt assessment of global relations, seeing economic rivals as opponents.

30. “America First.” A succinct summary of Trump’s foreign policy approach, prioritizing U.S. interests over global cooperation.

Noteworthy Quotes from Trump’s Presidency

31. “I’m the chosen one.” A controversial statement made while discussing trade with China, highlighting Trump’s flair for dramatic expressions.

32. “We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the American people.” Trump’s inauguration speech emphasized his populist approach, presenting himself as a champion for everyday citizens.

33. “In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.” A nod to conservative values, this quote resonated strongly with Trump’s base.

34. “I am your voice.” Trump’s appeal to the ‘forgotten’ Americans, a key theme in his campaign.

35. “You know, I’m, like, a smart person.” Another classic example of Trump’s self-confidence and straightforward, unapologetic self-promotion.

Quotes on Controversial Topics

36. “Grab them by the [explicit].” A leaked recording from 2005, this quote became one of the most controversial moments in Trump’s campaign, leading to widespread backlash.

37. “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” Trump’s early statements about COVID-19 were criticized for underplaying the severity of the pandemic.

38. “When you’re a star, they let you do it.” Another part of the 2005 recording that highlighted Trump’s views on power and fame, drawing massive criticism.

39. “We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning.” This statement reflects Trump’s brash confidence and optimism during his 2016 campaign.

40. “I moved on her like a [expletive].” Another quote from the 2005 tape that portrayed Trump’s controversial approach to women, leading to major political fallout.

More Noteworthy Trump Quotes

41. “Nobody builds walls better than me.”
This statement was part of Trump’s plan to emphasize his skills as a builder and businessman, reinforcing his commitment to border security.

42. “I have a great, great company. I am very proud of it.”
Trump’s pride in his business empire was a central theme in his campaign, presenting himself as a successful entrepreneur.

43. “I don’t wear a toupee. It’s my hair. I swear.”
Trump’s hair has long been a topic of public interest and jokes. He addressed it humorously, showing his ability to laugh at the media’s obsession.

44. “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese.”
A controversial statement reflecting Trump’s skepticism towards climate change, suggesting it was a ploy to undermine American manufacturing.

45. “Part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”
Trump’s tendency to flaunt his wealth has always been part of his persona, highlighting his success as a self-made billionaire.

Trump on His Critics and Rivals

46. “Crooked Hillary.”
One of Trump’s most famous nicknames for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign, which became a staple of his rhetoric.

47. “Little Marco.”
A nickname Trump used for Senator Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries, showcasing his knack for branding opponents.

48. “Low-energy Jeb.”
Trump’s description of Jeb Bush during the primaries was meant to suggest a lack of enthusiasm and drive, an effective rhetorical tool that stuck.

49. “Sleepy Joe.”
The nickname Trump gave to President Joe Biden, suggesting he lacked vigor and energy. It was a key part of his campaign strategy during the 2020 election.

50. “Lyin’ Ted.”
This was another nickname Trump coined for Senator Ted Cruz, highlighting what he claimed were dishonest actions by his rival during the primaries.

Trump on His Own Popularity and Success

51. “I’ve always been good at making friends.”
Trump prides himself on his social skills, seeing them as a key factor in his business and political success.

52. “I’m a ratings machine.”
Acknowledging his influence on media ratings, Trump’s statement reflects his awareness of his star power, particularly in the world of TV.

53. “I have a very good brain.”
This quote, like many others, reflects Trump’s confidence in his intelligence and decision-making abilities.

54. “I alone can fix it.”
A declaration from his 2016 campaign that emphasized his view of himself as the only one capable of solving America’s problems.

55. “I know the best people.”
Trump frequently mentioned his ability to hire top talent, which he viewed as a critical aspect of leadership.

Trump on COVID-19

56. “We have it totally under control.”
An early comment about the COVID-19 pandemic, which was later criticized as an underestimation of the virus’s impact.

57. “It’s going to disappear. It’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Trump’s optimism about the pandemic’s end was seen as overly hopeful, and this quote became a focal point in the critique of his response.

58. “I take no responsibility.”
This comment, regarding the availability of COVID-19 tests, sparked controversy over Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

59. “We’re doing a great job.”
Trump frequently defended his administration’s response to COVID-19, highlighting what he perceived as successes.

60. “We have the best testing in the world.”
This statement reflects Trump’s frequent praise for the U.S. response, particularly regarding the scale of testing.

Trump’s Thoughts on Technology and Social Media

61. “I’m the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters.”
Trump’s self-comparison to a literary icon in the context of Twitter reflects his belief in his mastery of short, impactful messaging.

62. “We’re being hit by China. We’re being hit by everybody.”
Trump’s focus on economic competitiveness, especially regarding trade imbalances, was a recurring theme in his presidency.

63. “My use of social media is not Presidential – it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL.”
This statement highlights Trump’s belief that his direct communication on platforms like Twitter was a new form of leadership.

64. “I have a running war with the media.”
Trump’s contentious relationship with the press became a significant part of his tenure, marked by his frequent accusations of bias.

65. “I wouldn’t mind a little bow.”
A cheeky response to questions about foreign leaders who had shown deference, displaying Trump’s humor and occasional irreverence.

Quotes About Trump’s Approach to Foreign Policy

66. “We’re going to have peace through strength.”
A traditional conservative view, this phrase captured Trump’s emphasis on military power as a deterrent to conflict.

67. “If you don’t take care of your people, some foreign group will come in and take care of them for you.”
This quote reflects Trump’s America First philosophy, emphasizing national sovereignty and domestic priorities.

68. “I want to get along with Russia.”
Trump’s approach to U.S.-Russia relations was seen as an attempt to defuse historical tensions, though it attracted both support and criticism.

69. “We have to get our allies to pay their fair share.”
Trump frequently argued that U.S. allies needed to contribute more to collective defense efforts, especially within NATO.

70. “China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump’s very, very large brain.”
A somewhat humorous, self-aggrandizing statement reflecting Trump’s confidence in his negotiation skills.

Trump on His Legacy and Vision

71. “We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again.”
A reiteration of his campaign slogan, expanding it into a vision statement for his presidency.

72. “In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.”
A reflection of Trump’s belief in results over effort, underscoring his focus on achievements.

73. “I’m the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico.”
A bold statement about his administration’s efforts to aid Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, though it was met with varying opinions.

74. “The world is laughing at us.”
This quote was used to emphasize the need for change and to suggest that previous administrations had weakened the U.S.’s global standing.

75. “I just want to be treated fairly.”
Trump often expressed concerns about being treated unfairly by the media and political opponents, a recurring theme throughout his presidency.

FAQs About Donald Trump Quotes

Q1: Why are Donald Trump’s quotes often controversial?
Trump’s unfiltered style of communication tends to challenge norms, resulting in statements that can be seen as bold, humorous, or provocative, depending on one’s perspective.

Q2: Did Donald Trump’s quotes affect his political career?
Yes, both positively and negatively. While his bluntness endeared him to many, it also drew criticism and controversy. His ability to connect directly through memorable phrases helped solidify his brand.

Q3: Why does Trump use phrases like “Fake News”?
Trump coined “Fake News” to describe what he considered biased or misleading media reports. It became a part of his strategy to control the narrative and engage his supporters.

Q4: What made “Make America Great Again” so impactful?
The slogan was short, nostalgic, and easy to remember, creating a sense of returning to a better time. It effectively communicated Trump’s core message and became iconic.

Q5: How does Trump’s use of nicknames influence public perception?
Trump’s nicknames often shaped the public image of his opponents, making complex issues more digestible and creating lasting impressions, whether positive or negative.

Q6: Are Trump’s quotes scripted or spontaneous?
While some quotes come from prepared speeches, many of Trump’s most famous lines are off-the-cuff remarks. His spontaneous style has made him unpredictable and attention-grabbing.


Donald Trump quotes have defined a unique era in American politics. His words are often memorable, sometimes divisive, and always full of personality. Whether advocating for policy changes, defending his record, or making an offbeat joke, Trump’s statements continue to capture attention worldwide.
