William Shakespeare – Quote of the Day for September 7, 2024

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”
William Shakespeare

Thoughts on Today's Quote

First off, “some are born great”—yeah, we all know these people. The ones who just seem to have it all together from day one. They roll out of bed with perfect hair, a trust fund, and that weirdly unearned confidence that everything is just going to work out. They don’t become CEO, they inherit the company. It’s like watching someone play life on cheat mode, while the rest of us are over here trying to remember if we paid the electric bill. Sure, they might have their own struggles (probably), but it’s hard not to give them the side-eye sometimes, isn’t it?

Then, you have the “some achieve greatness” crowd. These are the people who grind, who hustle, who put in those famous 10,000 hours that Malcolm Gladwell is always talking about. They’re the ones who start with nothing but a dream, a garage, and maybe a questionable caffeine habit, and somehow end up launching a billion-dollar company. The rest of us just feel inspired—or maybe slightly inadequate—watching their TED Talks, but hey, at least it’s proof that hard work pays off, right? Unless it doesn’t. But let’s not dwell on that.

Finally, “some have greatness thrust upon them.” This is my personal favorite because it’s a little chaotic and a lot relatable. These are the people who weren’t necessarily trying to be great—they were just chilling, minding their own business—and then BAM, greatness knocks at their door like a surprise Amazon delivery. Maybe they stumbled into it, like the reluctant hero in a movie who saves the day but really just wanted to stay in and watch Netflix. It’s like life decided, “Nope, you’re up,” and suddenly they’re in charge of things they didn’t ask for, like a crisis or a really important PTA meeting.

At the end of the day, greatness isn’t one-size-fits-all, and that’s kind of the beauty of it. Whether you’re born with it, work your tail off for it, or have it thrust into your lap like an unwanted cat, greatness is as messy and unpredictable as life itself. And honestly? That’s what makes it fun.

The Challenge

Are you someone who was “born great”? Maybe you’ve always had a natural gift, talent, or privilege. Your challenge could be to use that advantage to help someone else or step up in a situation where your skills are needed.

If you see yourself as someone who needs to “achieve greatness,” set a goal for something you’ve been putting off—whether it’s learning a new skill, networking with someone you admire, or just tackling that ambitious project—and take the first step. Break down what greatness looks like to you and start building it today.

If you’re waiting for greatness to be “thrust upon you,” then create your own opportunity by saying “yes” to something unexpected or stepping out of your comfort zone. Who knows? Greatness might already be lurking around the corner, but you’ve got to give it the chance to surprise you.

Now go out there and start crafting your greatness story!

Today's Quote Illustrated

A motivational quotation and illustration from William Shakespeare dated September 7, 2024