100 Marie Kondo Quotes to Spark Joy in Your Life

Marie Kondo, the decluttering guru and creator of the KonMari method, has inspired millions around the world to organize their homes—and their lives—by focusing on what sparks joy. Her wisdom is captured not only in her groundbreaking books but also in short, powerful quotes that can motivate anyone to tidy up. Whether you’re looking for a motivational boost to start organizing or seeking a fresh perspective on decluttering, these 100 Marie Kondo quotes will help you find joy in simplicity. Let’s dive into her world of tidiness and positivity.

Content Index

The Magic of Tidying Up

  1. “The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.”
    Cleaning isn’t just about a spotless home; it’s about cultivating a space that fosters happiness and peace.

  2. “Discard everything that does not spark joy.”
    At the heart of Marie Kondo’s philosophy is this simple but profound instruction: let go of what no longer serves you.

  3. “When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order, too.”
    Organizing isn’t just about your home—it’s a journey that can also bring clarity to your personal life and history.

  4. “The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.”
    This quote emphasizes personal growth. Create a home that fits your present, not your past.

  5. “It’s not about tidying up your space but about shaping the way you live.”
    Marie Kondo teaches us that organization is a lifestyle, not a one-time task.

  6. “Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.”
    Learning to listen to what resonates with your heart is key to decluttering and happiness.

  7. “The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.”
    Letting go makes room for discovering what truly matters in our lives.

  8. “Tidying is the act of confronting yourself; cleaning is the act of confronting nature.”
    Organizing your life is deeply introspective, while cleaning is about interacting with your environment.

  9. “When you tidy your space, you tidy your mind.”
    Mental clarity often follows once you have an organized, clean living space.

  10. “People cannot change their habits without first changing their way of thinking.”
    True transformation starts in the mind, not in the junk drawer.

Embracing Minimalism

  1. “Does it spark joy? If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it.”
    Minimalism in a nutshell—keep only what brings you joy.

  2. “It’s not what you get rid of that matters; it’s what you keep.”
    Decluttering isn’t about discarding things for the sake of it—it’s about keeping the essentials.

  3. “By acknowledging their contribution and letting them go with gratitude, you will be able to truly put the things you own, and your life, in order.”
    Kondo teaches us to appreciate our possessions and let them go with grace.

  4. “A dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective.”
    Major tidying changes more than just your space—it alters how you view and live your life.

  5. “One of the magical effects of tidying is confidence in your decision-making.”
    As you refine your ability to determine what brings joy, you’ll grow more confident in other areas of life too.

  6. “Keep things because you love them—not ‘just because’.”
    Never hang onto anything out of obligation. Everything you own should be loved and appreciated.

  7. “To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose.”
    Only when we let go of the non-essential can we truly see and appreciate the value of what remains.

  8. “It’s about choosing joy over clutter, both in your home and in your life.”
    The KonMari method is as much about mental decluttering as it is about physical.

  9. “Minimalism doesn’t mean getting rid of everything. It’s about keeping only what matters.”
    Kondo’s minimalism is focused on curation, not deprivation.

  10. “The more you tidy, the more joy you’ll experience.”
    Every small step toward tidying brings more joy into your life.

Finding Joy in Simplicity

  1. “Fewer items does not mean less satisfaction; it often means more.”
    Simplicity is powerful. The fewer distractions you have, the more you can enjoy life.

  2. “Joy is the criterion we use to keep things. It’s a personal, emotional decision.”
    Kondo’s approach to minimalism is guided by emotion, not arbitrary rules.

  3. “Organizing is about creating the lifestyle you want.”
    By tidying, you’re crafting the environment you wish to live in every day.

  4. “Having a home full of things you love helps you live a more fulfilling life.”
    Surrounding yourself with joy-inspiring items positively impacts your daily mood.

  5. “When you live with what you love, every day feels like a celebration.”
    Imagine waking up surrounded only by items that make you feel good—what could be better?

  6. “A tidy space helps create a clear mind.”
    An uncluttered home leads to clearer, calmer thoughts.

  7. “I believe that tidying is life-changing.”
    It’s not just about a neat home—it’s about transforming your way of living.

  8. “Your home is a reflection of your state of mind.”
    When your space is tidy, your mind often follows suit.

  9. “Once you experience the magic of tidying, you’ll never want to go back.”
    The satisfaction and joy that come from an organized life are addicting.

  10. “To live in harmony with your surroundings is to live in harmony with yourself.”
    Tidying isn’t just about order; it’s about inner peace and alignment.

Tidying as Self-Care

  1. “Treat your items as if they were alive, and always show them respect.”
    By valuing our possessions, we show respect not only to them but also to ourselves.

  2. “Thank your items before letting them go.”
    Showing gratitude for what has served us helps us part with things in a healthy way.

  3. “Tidying is a conversation with your belongings.”
    This quote shows how tidying can be a mindfulness practice where we consciously connect with our surroundings.

  4. “The act of tidying is a form of self-care.”
    By decluttering, we’re not just taking care of our space—we’re nurturing our mental and emotional well-being.

  5. “Hold every item you own and consider whether it brings you joy.”
    Taking the time to carefully consider each possession encourages mindfulness.

  6. “There’s no need to force yourself to part with things before you’re ready.”
    Decluttering is a process that should feel natural, not forced.

  7. “Cleaning is a form of gratitude for the space we live in.”
    By tidying up, we’re showing love and appreciation for our home.

  8. “The key to a happy life lies in cherishing the things that bring you joy.”
    True happiness is about surrounding yourself with things—and people—that make you smile.

  9. “Your belongings are a mirror of your inner self.”
    What you choose to keep reflects what you value most deeply.

  10. “Take care of your space, and it will take care of you.”
    A well-tended home nourishes the mind and soul.

Decluttering Mind and Soul

  1. “Tidying up is a form of mental training.”
    Just as meditation calms the mind, tidying up builds discipline and focus, training your brain to stay organized and attentive.

  2. “The process of tidying sharpens your sensitivity to joy.”
    As you practice deciding what sparks joy, you become more in tune with your own happiness and desires.

  3. “Tidying is the act of restoring balance among people, belongings, and the house.”
    Kondo teaches that organizing is more than just things—it’s about restoring harmony within your living space and life.

  4. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”
    Marie Kondo reminds us that every item we keep is a reflection of the life we want to lead.

  5. “When your home becomes clutter-free, you have no choice but to look at yourself and your way of living.”
    A tidy space forces you to confront deeper issues in your life—are you happy with your lifestyle, habits, and surroundings?

  6. “Tidying means taking each item in your hand and asking, ‘Does this spark joy?’ If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it.”
    One of Kondo’s simplest yet most profound principles—your emotional response should guide every tidying decision.

  7. “Your real life begins after putting your house in order.”
    Organizing your space creates a foundation for you to thrive in all aspects of life.

  8. “Letting go is even more important than adding.”
    Instead of seeking more, focus on releasing what’s unnecessary, allowing you to appreciate what you already have.

  9. “To cherish what is important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose.”
    Clinging to outdated possessions only distracts from the items—and the parts of life—that still matter.

  10. “Tidying is not just cleaning your house. It’s about cleaning your soul and mind.”
    The act of decluttering is intrinsically linked to mental clarity and emotional well-being.

The Joy of Letting Go

  1. “The moment you start, you reset your life.”
    As soon as you begin tidying, you’re making a positive shift in both your surroundings and mindset.

  2. “Each item in your house is connected to your emotions.”
    This quote underscores Kondo’s philosophy: your relationship with your possessions is deeply emotional.

  3. “When we cherish the things we love, they will help us in return.”
    Taking care of the items that bring you joy enhances your overall experience of life.

  4. “Letting go of things is not only liberating—it’s transformative.”
    There’s a powerful sense of freedom that comes with ridding your life of what no longer serves you.

  5. “If you can’t remember how something ended up in your home, it’s probably time to let it go.”
    If an item doesn’t have meaning or a purpose, it’s time to move on.

  6. “Clutter is often the result of holding onto things for the wrong reasons.”
    We tend to keep things out of guilt, nostalgia, or fear—reasons that don’t necessarily contribute to happiness.

  7. “When you throw away what doesn’t spark joy, you make room for what does.”
    Eliminating unnecessary clutter allows space for joy-filled moments and things in your life.

  8. “You have to honor the things that have been part of your life but also know when to let go.”
    Acknowledging the value that possessions once brought to you is important before parting with them.

  9. “The true purpose of tidying is to live a life that sparks joy.”
    Every decluttering decision should serve the goal of increasing happiness and fulfillment in your life.

  10. “By tidying your home, you’ll learn how to take care of your heart and mind.”
    Tidying is an act of self-care that nurtures emotional and mental health, too.

Practical Tidying Tips from Marie Kondo

  1. “It’s not just about organizing but about cherishing your space.”
    Organization alone isn’t the goal—cherishing the space you live in and its contents is just as important.

  2. “Put your things in order by category, not by room.”
    Kondo’s method encourages you to declutter by item type (clothing, books, etc.), which makes the process more effective.

  3. “The ultimate goal of tidying is to have a space that feels just right for you.”
    Your home should reflect your personality, preferences, and joy—it’s unique to you.

  4. “Start with the easy stuff first.”
    Begin your decluttering journey with items that are easier to let go of before moving on to the more sentimental things.

  5. “A cluttered room equals a cluttered mind.”
    The chaos in your surroundings often reflects and influences the chaos in your thoughts.

  6. “Keep only those things that make your heart sing.”
    Surround yourself with what genuinely uplifts you.

  7. “Designate a place for everything.”
    Every item should have its rightful home, which makes keeping your space tidy a habit, not a chore.

  8. “Don’t downgrade clothes to loungewear unless they truly make you feel comfortable.”
    Don’t hold onto items simply by repurposing them—only keep what genuinely serves you.

  9. “Store items vertically rather than stacking them.”
    Kondo’s advice on practical tidying—storing items vertically allows for easier access and a cleaner look.

  10. “Discard first, then organize.”
    Don’t try to organize clutter—focus on letting go of excess before attempting to find a place for the rest.

Mindful Living with Marie Kondo

  1. “Our homes should be filled with items that bring joy, not things that bring stress.”
    Focus on creating a stress-free environment by choosing joy over clutter.

  2. “Tidying up is an opportunity to take stock of what’s important in your life.”
    Tidying is more than physical—it’s a moment to reflect on your values and priorities.

  3. “The energy of the objects around you affects your own energy.”
    What you keep in your home has a direct impact on how you feel.

  4. “Don’t hold onto things just because you think you should.”
    Clutter is often a manifestation of obligations—let go of what doesn’t serve you.

  5. “By letting go of the unnecessary, you make space for the necessary.”
    Freeing your space of clutter creates room for what truly matters.

  6. “Only keep things that inspire happiness.”
    It’s simple: if it doesn’t inspire happiness, it’s not worth keeping.

  7. “Tidying helps you live in the present.”
    Letting go of things tied to the past allows you to fully appreciate the present moment.

  8. “There is a limit to how much we can keep.”
    There’s no point in accumulating endlessly—life is better with fewer, more meaningful items.

  9. “Life becomes more peaceful when we remove what distracts us.”
    Tidying helps eliminate unnecessary distractions, bringing more peace to your day-to-day.

  10. “The tidier your home, the more enjoyable your life will be.”
    A tidy home creates space for joy, relaxation, and creativity.

Declutter Your Surroundings, Declutter Your Mind

  1. “When you tidy up, you’ll discover what you truly value.”
    The process of organizing forces you to decide what’s most important to you.

  2. “A tidy home means a tidy mind.”
    Living in an organized space fosters a sense of clarity and calm in the mind.

  3. “The key to tidying is deciding what to keep, not what to get rid of.”
    Shift your focus—rather than agonizing over what to discard, concentrate on what you love.

  4. “Your home should be your sanctuary, not a source of stress.”
    Tidying transforms your home into a place of peace, rather than one of chaos.

  5. “Keep items because they bring you joy, not because of guilt.”
    Never hold onto things out of a sense of duty—if it doesn’t make you happy, it doesn’t belong.

  6. “Decluttering is about making space for your ideal life.”
    Every item you discard is a step closer to living the life you envision for yourself.

  7. “Less stuff equals more space for joy.”
    Fewer possessions mean more room to breathe and enjoy what truly matters.

  8. “Focus on what you want to keep, not on what you want to get rid of.”
    Kondo’s approach is about positivity—what you keep should make you smile.

  9. “The act of tidying is an act of self-respect.”
    Organizing your space shows that you value your environment and your well-being.

  10. “A tidy room is a tidy mind.”
    When you clear the clutter in your home, your mind naturally follows.

A Joyful Conclusion

  1. “Tidying up gives you the space to focus on what’s most important.”
    By eliminating distractions, you make room for life’s true priorities.

  2. “Living with fewer things allows you to experience more joy.”
    Minimalism doesn’t mean less happiness—it means amplifying what brings you joy.

  3. “By letting go of excess, you make space for gratitude.”
    When you clear away the clutter, you can more fully appreciate what you have.

  4. “Your home should be filled with things that serve you—not things you have to serve.”
    The items you keep should support and enhance your life, not burden it.

  5. “When you remove clutter, you remove stress.”
    A clear space equals a clear mind—less stress, more peace.

  6. “Tidying is an opportunity to care for yourself.”
    Kondo reminds us that organizing our space is a way to practice self-care and self-love.

  7. “Create a home that’s a joy to live in.”
    Your home should reflect your joy, your personality, and your dreams.

  8. “A tidy home is the foundation for a happy life.”
    Kondo’s philosophy is simple—tidy your space, and happiness follows.

  9. “The things we own should enhance our lives, not detract from them.”
    What you keep should bring positivity, not drag you down.

  10. “Tidying helps us live in the moment, surrounded by joy.”
    Decluttering isn’t just about letting go—it’s about fully living in the present, surrounded by what makes us happy.

Marie Kondo’s wisdom, as reflected in these quotes, goes far beyond simple tidying. She offers a comprehensive philosophy for living a life that’s intentional, mindful, and full of joy. Whether you’re just starting out on your decluttering journey or are a seasoned KonMari enthusiast, these 100 quotes provide the guidance, inspiration, and encouragement to create a home—and a life—that truly sparks joy.


1. How do I apply Marie Kondo’s quotes to my life?
Marie Kondo’s quotes serve as everyday reminders to simplify and focus on what brings joy, whether that’s decluttering your home, your mind, or your routines. Start small, and let joy guide your decisions.

2. Can Marie Kondo’s quotes help me declutter emotionally as well as physically?
Yes! Kondo’s philosophy encourages emotional tidying too—by letting go of items that no longer serve us, we can also release emotional baggage attached to them.

3. How does Marie Kondo’s method change your mindset?
Her method shifts the focus from what to discard to what to keep, helping you cultivate an environment of gratitude, joy, and mindfulness.

4. Why is joy so central to Marie Kondo’s teachings?
Joy is a powerful motivator. By focusing on joy, Kondo’s teachings encourage you to create a home and lifestyle that supports your happiness and well-being.

5. Is Marie Kondo’s method difficult to follow?
No! While it requires discipline and commitment, Kondo’s approach is simple and straightforward: surround yourself with what sparks joy, and let go of the rest.

6. Can tidying really change my life?
Absolutely! As Marie Kondo says, tidying can bring about a profound transformation, impacting not just your home but your mindset and quality of life.
