Bryan Stevenson – Quote of the Day for October 11, 2024

You can’t understand most of the important things from a distance, you have to get close.”
Bryan Stevenson

Insights on Today's Quote

Life’s important stuff, the real messy, beautiful, complicated things, demand proximity. You can’t appreciate the texture of a painting by standing in the hallway. Same with people—ever notice how small talk never quite cuts it? Sure, it’s nice to know someone’s favorite color is blue, but until you’ve sat across from them in a dimly lit café, watching them wrestle with a life-altering decision over a cup of coffee, do you really know them? Spoiler: no.

And let’s be honest, distance is comfortable. It’s safe. There’s a reason why scrolling through someone’s Instagram feed feels less scary than picking up the phone and asking, “Hey, how’s your heart?” Getting close? That’s terrifying! It’s the land of awkward silences, eye contact, and God forbid, vulnerability.

But isn’t that where the magic happens? Up close, we stop seeing people as two-dimensional characters and start seeing the details—their quirks, their fears, the way they laugh when they’re nervous. We start to understand not just the “what” but the “why.”

So yeah, staying distant is tempting, but life from afar is like watching a concert through a screen. Sure, you can see the performance, but it’s nothing like feeling the bass in your chest and getting elbowed by an overenthusiastic fan next to you.

In the end, the important stuff demands that we take off our comfy metaphorical slippers, roll up our sleeves, and get our hands dirty. Because, really, who wants to miss the details?

Step Up to the Challenge

For the next week, make a conscious effort to “get close” to one important thing or person in your life that you’ve been keeping at a distance.

Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Pick a person – Someone you care about but maybe haven’t truly connected with in a while. No superficial chats allowed. Initiate a real conversation, ask deeper questions, or even meet them in person (if possible) to talk about something meaningful.

  2. Choose a task you’ve been avoiding – Whether it’s learning a new skill, improving a hobby, or even finishing a long-ignored project, get close. Don’t just scratch the surface. Dive in. Really focus on the details and challenge yourself to engage deeply with it.

  3. Reflect on your experience – At the end of the week, ask yourself: What did I learn by getting closer? Was it harder than I thought? More rewarding?

Take notes! After all, the difference between “knowing” and “understanding” is all in that closeness. Let’s see how it feels when you close the gap!

Today's Quote Visualized

A motivational quotation and illustration from Bryan Stevenson dated October 11, 2024