Voltaire – Quote of the Day for October 8, 2024

I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.”
— Voltaire

Insights on Today's Quote

Isn’t this quote just deliciously simple? It’s like saying, “I’m eating cake because it’s good for my soul.” You know it’s right, even if your brain has some follow-up questions. But here’s the thing—this statement isn’t just whimsical; it’s backed by science. Actual science! Happiness isn’t just a mood, it’s like a personal health tonic. No prescription needed, just a decision: “I’ll take joy, with a side of contentment, thanks.”

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Oh sure, just ‘choose’ happiness—like it’s a smoothie flavor at a cafe.” But hang on. It’s less about “be happy” as if you’re flipping a switch, and more about tweaking how you respond to life’s endless supply of nonsense. The brain has this wild ability to rewire itself, called neuroplasticity (fancy word, huh?), and it literally changes when you practice positive thinking. So choosing happiness might be the closest thing we have to a mental gym membership. Except without the sweaty gym bags and overpriced protein shakes.

And the health part? Spot on. Ever notice how stressed people always seem on the verge of some ailment? Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” is practically handing out flyers for high blood pressure, headaches, and fatigue. On the flip side, when you’re happy, your brain starts giving out dopamine, like it’s Oprah with free cars. “YOU get a boost to your immune system! And YOU get lower inflammation! And YOU get a good night’s sleep!”

But the kicker is, happiness is contagious. It spreads like a benevolent virus, lifting your mood and that of the grumpy barista who just burned your espresso. So, the next time you’re tempted to dwell on life’s annoyances, remember: you’re not just doing yourself a favor by smiling—you’re also giving your health a little nudge. And who knows? Maybe you’ll inspire someone else to start choosing happiness too, even if it’s just for the free dopamine.

And hey, if it doesn’t work, at least you’ve got your sense of humor—surely that counts for something, right?

Step Up to the Challenge

For the next 7 days, every time you encounter a minor annoyance (spilled coffee, traffic, someone cutting you off in line), stop and deliberately choose to find something funny or positive in the situation. Doesn’t have to be big. Could be as small as laughing at your clumsiness or appreciating the extra few minutes to listen to your favorite podcast.

The twist? Each time you do this, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Are you less tense? Is your mood lighter? Do you feel a bit healthier or more energized afterward? Keep a mental or written note of any changes you notice, both in your mindset and your physical well-being.

By the end of the week, reflect on how this small habit of “choosing happiness” impacts your overall health—both mentally and physically. Maybe you’ll even stick with it beyond the 7 days.

Today's Quote Visualized

A motivational quotation and illustration from Voltaire dated October 8, 2024