Nelson Mandela – Quote of the Day for September 12, 2024

Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
Nelson Mandela

Thoughts on Today's Quote

If we judged everyone purely by their success, we’d miss out on the entire messy, chaotic, hilarious process that gets them there. Success? That’s like the Instagram shot where everyone looks polished and the lighting’s just right. But the falling down part? That’s the blooper reel. That’s the real story! And honestly, it’s a way better story. We don’t cheer for the hero because they never mess up; we cheer because every time they fall face-first into the dirt, they somehow find the strength (or the sheer stubbornness) to haul themselves back up. Like the Rocky Balboa of everyday life, just without the dramatic stair-running montage.

I mean, can you imagine how dull life would be if it was all about flawless wins? Success without the stumbles is like eating cake without frosting. It’s the mishaps, the failures, the awkward attempts where you crash and burn, that actually make success taste sweet. It’s about resilience, the grind, and maybe a little bit of crazy optimism that the next time, things might just go your way.

So yeah, judge me by the number of times I’ve gotten up, not just by the moments I happened to be standing tall. Those moments in between? They’re where the magic—and the growth—really happens. And hey, if you’re counting, make sure you throw in a little credit for the times I tripped over my own feet too. That still counts, right?

The Challenge

For the next 7 days, commit to tackling something that you’ve been avoiding or something that you know will push you out of your comfort zone. It could be a personal project, a difficult conversation, starting a workout routine, or even learning a new skill.

Here’s the twist: You have to document each time you fall short or mess up. Write down every stumble—no matter how big or small. But don’t stop there! For every failure or setback, you need to get back up and try again.

At the end of the week, reflect on how many times you fell and what you learned from each time you got back up. Did it get easier? Did your confidence grow? And most importantly, how did your mindset shift through those stumbles?

The idea is to shift your focus from the outcome to the process. See failure as proof that you’re pushing yourself, and resilience as the real success.

Today's Quote Illustrated

A motivational quotation and illustration from Nelson Mandela dated September 12, 2024