Charles Spurgeon – Quote of the Day for September 24, 2024

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”
— Charles Spurgeon

Thoughts on Today's Quote

It makes you think, doesn’t it? We’re all out here, hustling for more, convinced that the next paycheck, the next gadget, or that dream house will finally open the gates to eternal joy. But the real kicker is that happiness isn’t holed up in some five-bedroom mansion or inside the latest iPhone. It’s right there in the small stuff, like enjoying that perfectly brewed cup of coffee on a rainy morning or finding a parking spot on the first try (because we all know that’s basically a miracle).

It’s not that having things is bad — don’t get me wrong, I’m not ready to renounce pizza delivery apps or my cozy blanket. But if you’re sitting in a mountain of stuff and still feeling like something’s missing, maybe the problem isn’t quantity but quality. How many times have we bought something shiny and new, only to have the thrill wear off faster than a toddler with a sugar rush?

At the end of the day, it’s the moments when we actually take the time to savor life — whether it’s laughing till you cry with friends or binge-watching your favorite show guilt-free — that fill us up. Happiness is a sneaky little thing; it shows up not when we’re stockpiling joy like we’re prepping for an emotional apocalypse, but when we’re simply living, enjoying what’s already in front of us.

So yeah, more isn’t better. Better is better. And it turns out, enjoying what we have is the real treasure. Oh, and that sock you were missing? Still gone, but now you’re too happy to care.

The Challenge

For the next week, focus on enjoying what you already have. No buying anything new, no adding to the collection. Each day, pick one thing you own, something you probably overlook, and spend some quality time truly appreciating it. It could be that comfy old sweater you never wear, a book gathering dust on your shelf, or even just your favorite chair.

Write down how each thing makes you feel, what memories or comfort it brings, and if it adds something to your happiness when you stop and give it your attention. By the end of the week, you might just realize happiness is already sitting right under your nose – in that cozy sweater, of course!

Can you find joy in the little things without craving more? Challenge accepted?

Today's Quote Illustrated

A motivational quotation and illustration from Charles Spurgeon dated September 24, 2024