William Shakespeare – Quote of the Day for September 7, 2024

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”— William Shakespeare Thoughts on Today’s Quote First off, “some are born great”—yeah, we all know these people. The ones who just seem to have it all together from day one. They roll out of bed with perfect hair, a trust fund, … Read more

William Shakespeare Quotes: Top 50 Timeless Gems for All Occasions

Old quill pen on a stage with a spotlight, symbolizing William Shakespeare quotes connection to writing and theater.

When you think of William Shakespeare, you probably think of stuffy classrooms, elaborate costumes, and some confusing language that, let’s face it, could use a little modern-day Google Translate. But here’s the thing: Shakespeare was the original wordsmith. The man had a way with words that still resonates, entertains, and educates hundreds of years later. … Read more
